So will today's speech from Obama put the brakes on the racially charged atmosphere that threatens to drive the Democratic party over a cliff?
As a supporter looking out, it would seem to me that this kind of talk is only diverting attention from where Obama's opposition should really be digging; which is into the Rezko matter. Voters that are already inclined to support Obama don't care what his preacher said a couple of years ago. Playing the Wright clips over and over again only served to get the forces that already hate Obama all stirred up and foaming at the mouth. From the eyes of a supporter, the Rezko matter stings and has us looking at each other with shrugs of doubt. The truth is, even if Obama's dealings with Rezko were 10 times worse than his critics say they are; he would still be a better candidate than Hillary or McCain.
The man is a politician, so of course he is flawed. The question to me is who gets the most people involved in the political process, and is less flawed than the rest of the field? The answer is Obama. Does this make me a cynic, a realist, or a "follower"?
A pragmatist if anything Kerry. The Rezko matter? pish posh, it's a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. There is no smoking gun.
The rhetoric of his preacher is of course another matter. He did a good job distancing himself today, but I say he didn't really even have to. So what if the guy made inflammatory remarks? Which of the big name evangelist assholes haven't? You don't see the christo-conservatives running away from them, do you?
As far as I'm concerned (as an Obama supporter) these are non-factors.
Non-factors as far as the primary is concerned. The Republicans will light their torches and sharpen their pitchforks with this stuff in the general election. If their own dusty corpse of a candidate can't rile up the base, an Afro-centric Democratic candidate sure will.
Yeah, you're right, but no matter what the right wing douche bags are gonna come out guns-a-blazing in the general. If you are 'undecided' and stupid enough to buy that crap, good riddance.
BTW, why do you bother with the rant page stuff? I decided long ago that the Jim and Jeremy show was positively hopeless. A reasonable discussion is impossible, and after awhile just saying shit to get them riled up gets boring.
Of course they may still lurk here, we'll see.
Why the rant page? When I was a kid we had an aquarium with a couple of piranhas that we would feed goldfish and watch them get ripped apart. When no one was around I would stick my finger in there just to watch what they would do. Pointless and dangerous? Probably, but curiosity is a bitch.
In the end they are left with only violence, perhaps brought about by having the argumentative and persuasive skills of a dumb fish.
You called? My spirit was summoned.
Boo hoo Pat. Don't get yourself worked up.
Let's face it. In a battle of ideas you guys bring nothing to the table. Just vague thoughts and emotion. Prove me wrong. Be specific. But you are intellectual and we are stupid I know. I know.
Pat, your trying to tie others to Falwell or other kooks is more straw man. You got the reverend Al Sharpton. You don't see the Enviro- Socialist criticizing him. Now you might be thinking, I can't believe that Jim thinks that. What you may not understand is that I am simply mocking your assertion as I believe it is ludicrous. Get it? I think it might be helpful in the future if I used different color text for sarcasm, mockery etc.
I also see the deep flaws of George Bush, John McCaine and others and will readily admit they are unfit to govern. I see how they trample on rights and waste money etc. etc. etc. and I see all the personal flaws they, like all men have. You guys make politicians larger than life an are apologists for their bad behavior to the end.
In fact I don't think
any man is fit to run big government. The government is simply far to big and mainly making matters worse. I think the fonding fathers were smart to try to check powers with balance of power. Now it is out of control.
But Pat, none of this is upsetting to me at all. I can understand the crossing of the line thing with other friends.
Also no one is doing anything to Obama. He is being criticized for his own actions, judgment and ethics and well should be as he is in the public arena. Comes with the territory. One thing I do not like about liberal thinking is the whole not your fault thing.
Unlike you guys, I think we humans basically want the same things but have different ways of viewing things and believe those goals are achieved in different names. I think in your politics you mean well even if you don't believe the same for me.
The good news is for the politicians. The whole left right thing is in their best interest.
I mean do you guys think the government should be giving $.50 a gallon in corporate welfare for ethanol producers? Do you think the Republicans and Democrats huge corporate welfare farm bill should be passed when farm income was up on average 44% last year? Do you think people should be imprisoned for pot? Do you think the congress should raid the Social Security funds every year and spend the "excess" money we contributed?
You may disagree and call me a douche bag. Have at it.
But this is not the Republicans fault. This is not the Democrats fault. It is both their fault. They should not have the power to do these things in the first place.
Most of this crap is Socialist meddling. And both parties are culpable. It raises food prices and fuels prices and has ramifications far beyond the tax money wasted. And that is the tip of the iceberg. There are always unexpected negative results.
I think we are screwed either way and it is because people buy into what all these politicians are selling and his empowers them.
What I mock is the us versus them mentality. We are the good guys.You are the bad. That is some pretty interesting stuff. As my right winger friends know that it is pretty easy to shred policy ideas coming from the Republicans too (no t that you guys ever put forth any policy ideas).
Kerry, Some footage of yo sticking your finger is a piranha tank would be great.
May you have an enjoyable Easter or whatever it is you celebrate.
To your specifics:
"I mean do you guys think the government should be giving $.50 a gallon in corporate welfare for ethanol producers? Do you think the Republicans and Democrats huge corporate welfare farm bill should be passed when farm income was up on average 44% last year? Do you think people should be imprisoned for pot? Do you think the congress should raid the Social Security funds every year and spend the "excess" money we contributed?"
NO, no, no, and no.
Hook, line and sinker.
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