That's a funny picture, really. I bet this picture is going to be another useless tool to help you mentally hate McCain. Your people have routinely belittled McCain and Palin with childish name calling, making fun of physical appearances (including making Palin's good looks somehow a bad thing) and you've hinged your opinions of their intellect on the occasional gaffe or slip of the tongue. The picture is funny, I'm just concerned with how it will perpetuate your hate. I'm looking out for you Kerry.
Really, it has nothing to do with hatin'. This photo just sums up how comically bad the entire McCain campaign has been. He is behind and angry and just plain weird, while Obama is standing up tall like he doesn't even notice the ghoulish old angry man.
You have been known to praise McCain's foriegn policy chops. How is this guy going to act around other world leaders in dicey situations when he can't even keep his cool around a junior Senator that he hates and has zero respect for? Oh that's right, he isn't going to talk to world leaders, he's going to be doing all that soft talking. That is, when he isn't singing songs about bombing people or trying to start another cold war.
McCain has made a joke out of himself (or let others do it for him). You would have been better off with Huckabee. People that might be turned off by Obama's ties that you guys won't shut up about, have no other option since McCain is such an obscene failure.
There is no hatred here, only pointing and laughing.
I remember the same claims about the Bush/Gore, Bush/Kerry campaigns. You keep telling yourself how well your "team" is doing and how you're winning the campaign, if it makes you feel better. That's why you post goofy pictures and pick on the surface things, it makes your brain relax a bit. When McCain wins, you'll be so shocked that the only explanation will be the conspiracy theories again.
The baddest dudes I spar with don't say a word, and don't seem to be the toughest at first glance (check em out at But the "stick" they carry is brutal. McCain's speak softly comment rings true in my world. Obama is the guy running his mouth telling me about how he's gonna do this, gonna do that. Yeah right. I'll go with the guy who's been there and done it already. Do you really believe that McCain is intimidated by Obama? I think given the shit that guy has endured, somehow some elitist snot nosed politician isn't gonna really mess with McCain. Maybe the 41 million viewers and cameras add some pressure, but the last I saw, world leaders negotiate behind closed doors. And do you want to know why McCain keeps bringing up the ties to the shady characters? Because it matters. Obama and the liberal media just can't say it's not a big deal and expect it to die. You want McCain to shut up about it because it makes Obama look bad. Not gonna happen. Obama is your presidential candidate? Are you really convinced that guy is THE man? What about the Communist flag? What about Jeremiah Wright? Doesn't that concern you in the least? At least JimG says neither guy is for him. I'm baffled at the willful blindness caused by your Republican hatred.
Yeah Tim, I forgot, the media keeps pumping your head full of the garbage so you can't help but be a hater. I'm sure you haven't heard any of the bad things about Obama because the media doesn't want you to hear it. That's why the racist anti American Rev. Wright issue just fizzled out. That's why the $800,000 to the Acorn company isn't important. And why associating with Ayers, or hanging a Communist flag, or not saluting the American flag, or covering your heart during our National Anthem, or knowing where Obama got the money for Harvard, doesn't matter. Hate creates willful blindness.
" I forgot, the media keeps pumping your head full of the garbage so you can't help but be a hater. I'm sure you haven't heard any of the bad things about Obama because the media doesn't want you to hear it."
When I said "their words" that's exactly what I meant, not some overspun post stump analysis. Unlike some people I don't fill my heads with meaningless rehashings by the news outlets. There's precious little room between my ears for such nonsense so I pay attention to the words coming out of McCain's, Obama's, Biden's and Fey's mouths as they address the nation. I's say that the smartest thing to come out of Palin's mouth was Todd's dick but with as many kids as they have I don't think Todd has ever experienced anything but a vaginal orgasm. I genuinely feel ill when Palin speaks. The prospect of her being one heart beat away from having to make furniture choices for the Oval Office is too much for me to bear.
Not that it matters what any of them say as I've already cast my absentee ballot.
Hey Russell, I'm not a McCain lover. I haven't even been campaigning for him. I've only been pointing out the fact that everyone treats Obama and Biden with kid gloves. It's clear their support of Obama is rooted in the anti Republicanism or anti Bush or anti War or anti "recession" or anti "anything" attitude. When you can't even acknowledge your candidate's shortcomings (they all have them) you weaken your argument. Typical behaviour to be blinded by hate. The left is afraid to acknowledge the bad for fear they may lose an election again. I've always supported the idea of less government intervention in my life. And don't you go on some wild tirade of the "Bush spending more money" argument. Defending the citizens is the only excuse for spending more money by the government. (The Patriot Act and the liberation of Afghanistan and Iraq account for a majority of the budget increases). I'm not willfully blind to the Republicans. But I don't support higher taxes on anything. I don't support government intervention in healthcare, I don't support wealth redistribution programs, I don't support a wait and see foreign policy, I don't support affirmative action, I don't have a problem fighting for other's freedom, I don't mind homeland security, I'm anti abortion, anti gay marriage, and I am a student and follower of the principles of macro economics. Most of the time, the majority of those issues line up on the GOP side, not the Democrats. I can honestly say I'd vote for a Democrat if they supported my values; I haven't found one yet.
So don't call me blind. These clowns that ignore their candidate's failings and flaws are the blind.
Tim, good for you. At least you root your hate in the idealogy of their policy and not the garbage that the everyone else pulls out. My above post mentions some of my pillars of politics. You have yours. My problem with Obama is there is so little to support his idealogy, that all I'm left with is a character judgement. At least McCain has a track record, like it or not. Obama is kind of a crap shoot. He says some things; but who knows. He's got some scary background dealings in socialism and his personal choices of friends and associates have been questionable. His short list of voting certainly does NOT support my idealogy. I don't think we're as bad off as the media says we are. 1) Unemployment is still on the 58 yr average. 2) Recessions are a normal part of any economy. 3) I know that a failed social program (Community Redevelopment Act-a Democrat program) created the credit crisis we're in. 4) I don't blame Bush for 9/11, terrorism, or Hurricane Katrina.
So I'm comfortable with "8 more years of the same" as the left likes to chant. If Obama wins, the next campaign will be the opposite for the Republicans. They will use the Democrat approach and use anything that is wrong in world, blame Obama, and ask people if they want a "change". Very deep tactic, playing on people's misery. The only difference will be that the media won't be banging the drum for the GOP, so it will be harder. Obama is some sort of cult figure to the media. Bush bashing became an official sport the last 8yrs.
BDog - when I say look in the mirror I'm suggesting you look at many on the right who are willfully blinded by their Democratic hatred. I know of quite a few who spew regular daily hate for Obama, but yet never a reason to vote FOR their canidate of choice.
You at least offer up your reasons for supporting McCain and I commend you for it.
Yeah Kerry, I really feel bad for myself. What you fail to understand is that I'm positioned to withstand any economic conditions. People look for investment advice when times are tough. I doubled my business in the recession of 2000. I should be cheering on the recession. If Obama takes office, I will probably have another robust period. Companies will down size to reduce the higher cost of taxes, 401(k)s will be moved, and I'll be doing a massive amount of rollovers. If you call my pointing out flawed economic policies and proposals whining then so be it.
And FYI, I visit your lame site to peer into the thoughts of the "other" side. Just in the way that I listen to Air America. I never want to be accused of being closed minded or manipulated as you say. I don't come here because I'm a fan of yours.
Russell wrote: You at least offer up your reasons for supporting McCain and I commend you for it.
While I doubt I could hold my nose and vote fore McCain, it is an easy challenge as to why McCain is a better choice.
McCain's policies are far more in keeping with the pro growth policies of politicians like JFK, whereas Obama's policies mirror many of the failed policies of Jimmy Carter.
I will let JFK explain it:
"This administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes ... Next year's tax bill should reduce personal as well as corporate income taxes, for those in the lower brackets, who are certain to spend their additional take-home pay, and for those in the middle and upper brackets, who can thereby be encouraged to undertake additional efforts and enabled to invest more capital ... I am confident that the enactment of the right bill next year will in due course increase our gross national product by several times the amount of taxes actually cut."
– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, news conference
"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government."
"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate."
– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963, message to Congress on tax reduction and reform, House Doc. 43, 88th Congress, 1st Session.
"Our present tax system ... exerts too heavy a drag on growth ... It reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking ... The present tax load ... distorts economic judgments and channels an undue amount of energy into efforts to avoid tax liabilities."
– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, press conference
"only full employment can balance the budget"
"Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help create a new job and a new salary."
Historically, income growth and employment and tax collections are empirically proven to be far better than the economic policies based on redistribution, interventionism in the markets and government spending which are the policies that have lead to major recessions and the great depression.
That's a funny picture, really.
I bet this picture is going to be another useless tool to help you mentally hate McCain. Your people have routinely belittled McCain and Palin with childish name calling, making fun of physical appearances (including making Palin's good looks somehow a bad thing) and you've hinged your opinions of their intellect on the occasional gaffe or slip of the tongue.
The picture is funny, I'm just concerned with how it will perpetuate your hate.
I'm looking out for you Kerry.
Hey, I have my own hate troll!
Really, it has nothing to do with hatin'. This photo just sums up how comically bad the entire McCain campaign has been. He is behind and angry and just plain weird, while Obama is standing up tall like he doesn't even notice the ghoulish old angry man.
You have been known to praise McCain's foriegn policy chops. How is this guy going to act around other world leaders in dicey situations when he can't even keep his cool around a junior Senator that he hates and has zero respect for? Oh that's right, he isn't going to talk to world leaders, he's going to be doing all that soft talking. That is, when he isn't singing songs about bombing people or trying to start another cold war.
McCain has made a joke out of himself (or let others do it for him). You would have been better off with Huckabee. People that might be turned off by Obama's ties that you guys won't shut up about, have no other option since McCain is such an obscene failure.
There is no hatred here, only pointing and laughing.
I remember the same claims about the Bush/Gore, Bush/Kerry campaigns. You keep telling yourself how well your "team" is doing and how you're winning the campaign, if it makes you feel better. That's why you post goofy pictures and pick on the surface things, it makes your brain relax a bit. When McCain wins, you'll be so shocked that the only explanation will be the conspiracy theories again.
The baddest dudes I spar with don't say a word, and don't seem to be the toughest at first glance (check em out at But the "stick" they carry is brutal.
McCain's speak softly comment rings true in my world. Obama is the guy running his mouth telling me about how he's gonna do this, gonna do that. Yeah right. I'll go with the guy who's been there and done it already. Do you really believe that McCain is intimidated by Obama? I think given the shit that guy has endured, somehow some elitist snot nosed politician isn't gonna really mess with McCain. Maybe the 41 million viewers and cameras add some pressure, but the last I saw, world leaders negotiate behind closed doors.
And do you want to know why McCain keeps bringing up the ties to the shady characters? Because it matters. Obama and the liberal media just can't say it's not a big deal and expect it to die. You want McCain to shut up about it because it makes Obama look bad. Not gonna happen.
Obama is your presidential candidate? Are you really convinced that guy is THE man? What about the Communist flag? What about Jeremiah Wright? Doesn't that concern you in the least?
At least JimG says neither guy is for him.
I'm baffled at the willful blindness caused by your Republican hatred.
Who needs images to hate/dislike the GOP? I hear their words and that's enough for me.
Yeah Tim, I forgot, the media keeps pumping your head full of the garbage so you can't help but be a hater.
I'm sure you haven't heard any of the bad things about Obama because the media doesn't want you to hear it.
That's why the racist anti American Rev. Wright issue just fizzled out. That's why the $800,000 to the Acorn company isn't important. And why associating with Ayers, or hanging a Communist flag, or not saluting the American flag, or covering your heart during our National Anthem, or knowing where Obama got the money for Harvard, doesn't matter.
Hate creates willful blindness.
"I'm baffled at the willful blindness caused by your Republican hatred."
you got a mirror?
" I forgot, the media keeps pumping your head full of the garbage so you can't help but be a hater.
I'm sure you haven't heard any of the bad things about Obama because the media doesn't want you to hear it."
When I said "their words" that's exactly what I meant, not some overspun post stump analysis. Unlike some people I don't fill my heads with meaningless rehashings by the news outlets. There's precious little room between my ears for such nonsense so I pay attention to the words coming out of McCain's, Obama's, Biden's and Fey's mouths as they address the nation. I's say that the smartest thing to come out of Palin's mouth was Todd's dick but with as many kids as they have I don't think Todd has ever experienced anything but a vaginal orgasm. I genuinely feel ill when Palin speaks. The prospect of her being one heart beat away from having to make furniture choices for the Oval Office is too much for me to bear.
Not that it matters what any of them say as I've already cast my absentee ballot.
Hey Russell, I'm not a McCain lover. I haven't even been campaigning for him.
I've only been pointing out the fact that everyone treats Obama and Biden with kid gloves. It's clear their support of Obama is rooted in the anti Republicanism or anti Bush or anti War or anti "recession" or anti "anything" attitude.
When you can't even acknowledge your candidate's shortcomings (they all have them) you weaken your argument.
Typical behaviour to be blinded by hate. The left is afraid to acknowledge the bad for fear they may lose an election again.
I've always supported the idea of less government intervention in my life. And don't you go on some wild tirade of the "Bush spending more money" argument. Defending the citizens is the only excuse for spending more money by the government. (The Patriot Act and the liberation of Afghanistan and Iraq account for a majority of the budget increases).
I'm not willfully blind to the Republicans.
But I don't support higher taxes on anything. I don't support government intervention in healthcare, I don't support wealth redistribution programs, I don't support a wait and see foreign policy, I don't support affirmative action, I don't have a problem fighting for other's freedom, I don't mind homeland security, I'm anti abortion, anti gay marriage, and I am a student and follower of the principles of macro economics.
Most of the time, the majority of those issues line up on the GOP side, not the Democrats. I can honestly say I'd vote for a Democrat if they supported my values; I haven't found one yet.
So don't call me blind. These clowns that ignore their candidate's failings and flaws are the blind.
Tim, good for you. At least you root your hate in the idealogy of their policy and not the garbage that the everyone else pulls out.
My above post mentions some of my pillars of politics. You have yours.
My problem with Obama is there is so little to support his idealogy, that all I'm left with is a character judgement.
At least McCain has a track record, like it or not. Obama is kind of a crap shoot. He says some things; but who knows.
He's got some scary background dealings in socialism and his personal choices of friends and associates have been questionable. His short list of voting certainly does NOT support my idealogy.
I don't think we're as bad off as the media says we are.
1) Unemployment is still on the 58 yr average.
2) Recessions are a normal part of any economy.
3) I know that a failed social program (Community Redevelopment Act-a Democrat program) created the credit crisis we're in.
4) I don't blame Bush for 9/11, terrorism, or Hurricane Katrina.
So I'm comfortable with "8 more years of the same" as the left likes to chant.
If Obama wins, the next campaign will be the opposite for the Republicans. They will use the Democrat approach and use anything that is wrong in world, blame Obama, and ask people if they want a "change". Very deep tactic, playing on people's misery. The only difference will be that the media won't be banging the drum for the GOP, so it will be harder. Obama is some sort of cult figure to the media. Bush bashing became an official sport the last 8yrs.
Allow me to summarize Bdog for you.
The fundamentals of our economy are strong and Obama doesn't represent my values.
Looky where all of this alleged free thinking is getting you. You are doing the dance of the happily manipulated.
Are you running out of whining outlets? You spend more time on my blog than I do.
BDog - when I say look in the mirror I'm suggesting you look at many on the right who are willfully blinded by their Democratic hatred. I know of quite a few who spew regular daily hate for Obama, but yet never a reason to vote FOR their canidate of choice.
You at least offer up your reasons for supporting McCain and I commend you for it.
Yeah Kerry, I really feel bad for myself. What you fail to understand is that I'm positioned to withstand any economic conditions. People look for investment advice when times are tough. I doubled my business in the recession of 2000. I should be cheering on the recession.
If Obama takes office, I will probably have another robust period. Companies will down size to reduce the higher cost of taxes, 401(k)s will be moved, and I'll be doing a massive amount of rollovers.
If you call my pointing out flawed economic policies and proposals whining then so be it.
And FYI, I visit your lame site to peer into the thoughts of the "other" side. Just in the way that I listen to Air America. I never want to be accused of being closed minded or manipulated as you say. I don't come here because I'm a fan of yours.
McCain was well liked among liberals a few short months ago and a "good man." What happened?
Russell wrote: You at least offer up your reasons for supporting McCain and I commend you for it.
While I doubt I could hold my nose and vote fore McCain, it is an easy challenge as to why McCain is a better choice.
McCain's policies are far more in keeping with the pro growth policies of politicians like JFK, whereas Obama's policies mirror many of the failed policies of Jimmy Carter.
I will let JFK explain it:
"This administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes ... Next year's tax bill should reduce personal as well as corporate income taxes, for those in the lower brackets, who are certain to spend their additional take-home pay, and for those in the middle and upper brackets, who can thereby be encouraged to undertake additional efforts and enabled to invest more capital ... I am confident that the enactment of the right bill next year will in due course increase our gross national product by several times the amount of taxes actually cut."
– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, news conference
"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government."
"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate."
– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963, message to Congress on tax reduction and reform, House Doc. 43, 88th Congress, 1st Session.
"Our present tax system ... exerts too heavy a drag on growth ... It reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking ... The present tax load ... distorts economic judgments and channels an undue amount of energy into efforts to avoid tax liabilities."
– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, press conference
"only full employment can balance the budget"
"Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help create a new job and a new salary."
Historically, income growth and employment and tax collections are empirically proven to be far better than the economic policies based on redistribution, interventionism in the markets and government spending which are the policies that have lead to major recessions and the great depression.
Than there is Ethanol--
raises food costs
uses too much groundwater
tax subsidies means theft of taxpayer money is transferred to Archer Daniels Midland etc.
Obama is a long time whore for Ethanol. McCain oposed.
Good article from NYT:
read the part where McCain Obama disagree on subsidies.
Jim - you're right, we should all vote for JFK!!! I take it that's who you're backing?
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