
Expert < Elite

I read all of the blogs. I read everything I can find on training. I have a pretty good idea as to how my planned hours and mileages stack up against established Elite racers. Reality says that at this stage in my development I can probably tackle a little more than half of the training hours that a top 5 WORS Elite can before flirting with over training.
I've been considering this, and how fun Comp SS could be if it was as full and competitive as it looks to be in '08. Additionally, even though I had the 2nd place spot for the series last year, 3min 20sec is as close as I came to the Comp SS win.
These things had me doubting my plans for '08 until I saw these changes. Distinguishing expert age groups from semi-pros and pros makes a lot of sense for WORS I think. I understand that it really is only an adjustment in labeling, but I find it might be an effective one. I would guess that at least the top 25% of Comp racers would upgrade now. Expert 30-39 could end up being a nice, rounded-out, competitive bracket that I could live in. Besides, that's what it says on my license.
Now if Don would only create the 1 lap "first timer" class as the last wave with the citizens, with a free beer provided to all finishers. That is the class I first raced in while in Florida, and we need new blood right? Someone new to the sport might wonder what exactly it is that they have to be a citizen of anyway.

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