You know those cheap remote control cars from big box stores that distant relatives give to your kids at Christmas time? The ones that only have a range of like 5 feet and as soon as you squeeze the throttle it wildly skitters across the tiles, tires spinning out and bouncing off of the baseboards. Then the controller is out of radio range in 2 seconds.
"Sorry dude, this is clearly not an inside toy, or an anywhere toy for that matter."
I have felt lately like one of those cars when riding singletrack, all throttle but no range or control.
Blue Mound last weekend was a great way to cap off a weeks worth of crashing my bike. I've been pretty frustrated off road and it resulted in taking 3 days off all bikes and sulking. I felt better last night like I am ready to crash into stuff again. Anyone have a medium-ish SS 29er frame that they need to trade for something smaller? I fear I have been cramming myself into my Kona. On the range issue I may have been a bit conservative in planning my training volume, I could stand for way more mileage/hours(making time for it is something else).
The best laid plans......
If the weather is nice when I pick up Rowan in the afternoon he is usually in the playground. I like to walk up slowly so that I can watch him interact with his friends for a few moments without knowing yet that his Dad is there. The other day him and two of his friends were riding the tricycles. They have this huge figure 8 race track out there that they can attack each other on....., I mean ride leisurely on while smelling the flowers. When I walked up I saw his two friends tangled up, trying to wrestle their bikes apart. Rowan was barreling down on them at a high rate of speed with his feet in the air having spun out his fixie tricycle. What made this scene most choice was Rowan hollering "Rider down! Rider down!" as he dumped into the grass just before t-boning his tangled buddies. I laughed for five minutes, then corrected him. "You need them to clear out Rowan, try 'Rider Back!' next time."
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