
Happy Motorists

I stood peering into the pain cave half way through the first lap yesterday in Iola, and sat down with a bum knee rather than running through screaming like a demon. I finished, and not last, but you can only generate so much ass kicking with one leg. Claire however, was ass kicking at full capacity in her first elite showing. Bruce also should have done well since Sheri was running along side him pouring his gels down his throat.

My decreased saddle time and my injuries won't keep me away from the first cross race next week though. I found a race flyer, so now I know what the lowdown is. I'll race the 4's race on Sunday morning, since my license has a 4 on it. I wonder if I can race 4's and Masters? Anyway, I'm gonna bring the 38x14 and leave the excuses at home.

So I work in close proxy to a grumpy old fucker named Dan. Dan has recently become a full blown Air America Democrat since doing so allows one countless opportunities to hate. Dan hates the war, hates Bush, and hates evil corporations. I'm down with that. I hate all that stuff too. Dan however hates these things because they are easy to hate and you don't have to understand them to hate them. He could just as easily hate gays and "the liberal Jew-run media".
Well, Dan also hates cyclists that clog up the 60mph flow of his country roads. He was pissed off this morning because some cyclist "almost got my daughter and I killed." Dan was passing a rider at the crest of a hill. Like the majority of motorists, he was terrified that a cyclist was near so he gave him 25 feet of space completely filling the oncoming traffic lane. Of course, there was oncoming traffic in the oncoming traffic lane*sigh* and he freaked out. I overheard him telling this to another, more cool headed cyclist that I work with named Jim. Jim only laughed at the grumpy old fucker's anger and trotted back off to work. Me on the other hand, well I'm Scottish or something and pissed off at the world so I chose to engage. The melee went something like this;

  • Grumpy Old Fucker: The speed limit is 55 mph and a cyclist going 20 not only lacks judgement for being on those roads, but is also a hazard.
  • Me: So if you have a 140lb self propelled cyclist, and a 3,000lb steel box moving at 60mph piloted by an impatient motorist with questionable "ine" levels, it's the cyclist that's the hazard?
  • Grumpy Old Fucker: Yes, because the cyclist doesn't belong there.
  • Me: Okay we both know that a bike is a street legal vehicle so I'll just ignore that. Have you ever come across a slow moving horse drawn carriage near an Amish community on a country road? Or how about farm equipment. Did you feel those things were hazards?
  • Grumpy Old Fucker: Well, no because that is their chosen mode of transport.
  • Me: (mumbling under my breath) a dip shit says what?
  • Grumpy Old Fucker: What?

What can I say? I'm just out here doing my part, one dip shit at a time.

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