Sheri felt a lot like I did yesterday but she Womaned up and finished. She raced until she had to puke, which makes her one hard chick. When she gets race fit, you chicks out there might consider recognizing because she is going to rip some legs off. She also got bit by a dog while running across the venue to look for a place to purge the devil after her finish.
Listen, assholes. If you don't have control of your animal then don't bring them to a WORS race. The offending asshole didn't even apologize and was nowhere to be found once Sheri had her wits about her later.
My throttle cable was disconnected yesterday. My legs might have been there but they didn't want to answer the call to race. I watched the Elite field walk away from me in the dusty field knowing I had no racing in me on this day. This course brings out my inner suck. Couple those things with a bike that doesn't want to stop and I had a recipe for injury. There is some good though. On the line, behind the best in the Midwest; my stomach was flipped upside-down and I was downright nervous. I haven't felt that way since starting my first Sport SS race at Iola last year, and it was exactly what I was looking for. My reality for now was that I would have had the same result no matter what number was on my bike.
Quitting is for losers, but nothing has me seeing red more than a recent dnf. 9 mile forest should make a good backdrop for redemption. Pete is pretty spooled up for this race as well. We are shooting for a solid 20 laps worth of Goat and Stringbean chasing. Sheri got the scoop on last years winning secret nutrition. I hear Chris Eatough eats babies to stay fueled. Ramen noodles are cheaper and easier to prepare.
sheri is so metal. hardcore.
and i'm still disgusted by that dog owner, whoever they are.
sorry your race didn't go as planned kerry :(
Hopefully all of us will be suffering well out there. It should be fun until the throwing up starts.
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